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Behind the Cleveland Kidnappings, a Culture of "Toxic Masculinity" & Gender-Based Violence
Cleveland kidnapping
Cleveland Kidnappings and Military Rapes: When Will We Take on the Pandemic of Sexual Violence?
Did Police Negligence & Suspect Ariel Castro's Unpunished Domestic Abuse Prolong Victims' Captivity?
Elizabeth Smart Sends Message to Cleveland Girls Held Captiv
RTA riders unaware of alleged sexual assault
Ariel Castro: 'The Cleveland Kidnapper' - Episode 66
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center - Faces of Change
Elizabeth Smart: Abstinence-Only Sex Ed Made Her Feel Like "Chewed-Up Piece of Gum" After Rape
Campaigners Call for “One Fair Wage” to Help End Sexual Harassment for Tipped Restaurant Workers
Cleveland man, labeled sexually violent predator, on the run
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, May 10